Mobile Revolution Car Crew photoshoot

On Saturday i got the chance to work with a huge group of awesome and talented people on a shoot with Mobile Revolution Car Crew. Namely their two cars Demon and Monster.

We all met round 3pm, to start the solo car images while make up was done. Things went pretty well, grabbed great images and then collected the model to do the section with her doing magic things on camera :D

Our gorgeous model miss Donnaleigh Jones, aka Dynamic Domino, pushed through the entire shoot with no trouble, she came super prepared and a absolute pleasure to work with. I highly recommend her to any brand or photographer that needs a reliable gorgeous model for any job!

Ceondre Ford on make up doing her thing, and it came out perfect. Her contact info can be found below.

Cars were from crew members Shayen Vermaak and Juanne Keys who both built up these cars on their own and they are also the founding members of the crew. Super sweet rides.

I had my friend miss Karla Alberts doing videography on the shoot which we will release the video soon please keep a eye on out social feeds. i will add it here too. thank you for joining us !

anyways long post short please check out what we release next and tweet us if you keen to hear more. share this with everyone!

Most images will be dropped on out facebook page and instagram so have a look out!


Robert Harris

optical noise photography



optical noise photography 0738849993     opticalnoise.rob@gmail.com

ceondre ford 081 060 7266    ceondreford@gmail.com

Dynamic domino  dynamicdomino.promo@gmail.com
